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Friday, March 30, 2012

Pardon Moi

If my posts are coming a little slow, I really do apologize. I've been writing so much, but a lot of it gets scrapped and redone and still doesn't make it to the blog in good enough time. And trust me, the writing for me, it's constant. In class, after class, before class, before bed, when I'm sitting on my butt at home, yaddayaddayadda. I have such a small (probably add) attention span that my dad put some kind of 'net nanny' on my laptop to keep me from browsing the internet freely. Of course, I found a way around it, but I still really need to try and focus more on school (yea, right).... At least I'll make it seem like it. I don't really like school. I'm a pretty free ranging soul. But I'll need an education somewhere along the line - best get it done with sooner than later, I'd imagine...

So, here's to a late post. More will be coming, I promise you.

(Am I talking to air?)


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